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簡要描述:新型 Venable5140經(jīng)濟型頻率響應分析儀,電源環(huán)路分析儀,環(huán)路分析儀,相位增益分析儀,頻率特性分析儀兼具可攜帶性和可購性。Venable5140 型號是現(xiàn)場工程師的選擇,穩(wěn)健、輕便并且耐用,可攜帶到偏遠地點進行穩(wěn)定性檢測和測量。小型 Venable5140 型號,僅重 4 磅,給在外奔波的工程師配了所有零部件,保證全面的檢測和測量性能

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠商性質:生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時間:2024-09-06
  • 訪  問  量:90


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 Venable5140經(jīng)濟型頻率響應分析儀將*的混合信號技術和*的 DSP 結合,提供通用檢測和分析功能。單個和綜合的硬件和軟件系統(tǒng)有許多復雜的檢測功能,頻率范圍(1Hz~40MHz),并帶有一個隔離 600Vpk 的輸入通道。

       Venable5140帶有適配自身版本的 Venable 著名的 K-Factor 軟件,即 5140 型號 Stability Analysis™。作為、最便攜的相位/增益和阻抗測量系統(tǒng),Venable5140通過符合行業(yè)標準的 USB2.0/IEE-488(GPIB)接口運行,帶有ExcelTM 和離線數(shù)據(jù)處理格式的文本文件。

       Venable 儀器采用*的 CPLD 技術,發(fā)動專用處理器,進行數(shù)據(jù)采集和分析。一個單獨的處理器能運作所有通信功能。SDRAM 的存儲驅動了*佳性能,處理器和模擬硬件能同時緩沖。5140 能在雙輸入通道內(nèi)同時進行模擬分析,可靠捕捉所有數(shù)據(jù)。


      Venable,超過 30 年走在穩(wěn)定性分析的前列,堅持不懈地為需要檢測和測量的客戶提供的儀器和分析軟件

Venable 5140頻率響應分析儀(用戶需要自備一臺Windows操作系統(tǒng)的高性能電腦):1Hz到40MHz,2 通道分析儀,最大輸入電壓100V。操作軟件適用于Windows10。含參考手冊和操作手冊, 探頭2根,USB線一根,1年保修

Portability and affordability meet with the new Venable Model 5140 Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA). The Model 5140 is the ?eld engineer’s choice for a robust yet lightweight and durable unit to take to remote sites for stability testing and measurement. The smaller format Model 5140, weighing in at only 4 pounds, equips road warriors with testing and measurement capabilities, including Venable’s Model 5140 Stability Analysis software, and options for our RLC ?xture and software, LF (Low Frequency) and GP (General Purpose) Bode Boxes, and a rugged Pelican™ Case for secure transport.The Venable Model 5140 Frequency Response Analyzer combines the latest mixed signal technology with advanced DSP to provide versatile test and analysis functions. This single, comprehensive hardware and software system performs many sophisticated test functions and boasts an expanded bandwidth of 1Hz to 40MHz along with 1 input channel isolated to 600 Vpk.The Venable Model 5140 ships with its own version of Venable’s renowned K-Factor based software, known as Model 5140 Stability Analysis. The most complete, accurate and easy-to-use portable system for phase/gain and impedance measurements, the Model 5140 operates through industry standard USB 2.0 interface, with Excel™ and text ?le formatting for number crunching off-line.Venable Instruments incorporates the latest CPLD technology to unleash the power of a dedicated processor, performing all data acquisition and analysis functions. A separate processor handles all the communication functions. Optimum performance derives from the use of storage within the SDRAM, which enables synchronous buffering between the processor and the analog hardware. The Model 5140 performs simultaneous analysis on both input channels, reliably capturing all data. This truly versatile solution, with its wide range of applications, arms your Field Application Engineers (FAE) with a complete yet compact, portable and affordable testing and measurement system: the Venable Model 5140.Venable, a pioneer in stability analysis for over 30 years, continues to support the test and measurement customers with cutting edge instruments and analysis software.



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